Just pray for the “great reset” madness to be diverted
We need a large call to prayer for the plans of the evil ones to be stopped. Humankind needs no reset, large or small. We don’t want to reset our civilisation.
It’s been three years now since Klaus Schwab has announced his plan of a “great reset”, and the spiritual leaders of the world have largely ignored it. As if Schwab were too little and unimportant to be taken seriously; or as if his plan were actually good. A genuine reaction is necessary from those who have a say in spiritual matters, yet they are silent. Why can’t we hear their voice? Are they asleep? Are we all supposed to be sleepwalking into the destruction of humanity?
Schwab is not nobody; he is not a negligible voice. He prides himself with having managed to infiltrate many governments and he sits at a table with world leaders and powerful wealthy people on a reglar basis. He’s not your ordinary think-tanker.
The values of humanity are a treasure and they need to be protected.
There were so many wars in the world in the recent history, so many crimes against humanity and so much destruction. Every nation has struggled greatly to build a life for their people, to secure their peace, to improve the life of their future generations, and now this insane guy is telling us you that we need to get rid of the pillars of our civilisation? And why? Because one night he had a dream about a certain “industrial revolution”?
And what exactly needs to be “reset” in our humanity? What exactly do we need to get rid of? Kindness? Peace? Love of one’s neighbour? The values of education? The values of democracy? Individual freedoms? The right to travel freely? The right to live? The right to work? What exactly do we need to reset? Everything? And why? Because he says there’s a digital wave that is sweeping the world like a tsunami and it’s more powerful than anyone and it’s impossible to resist?
Well, no. There’s no digital wave higher than man, because everything in the digital wave is man-made. There is no industrial revolution, just the greed of a handful of wealthy and powerful people who seek to become even wealthier and more powerful. That’s no revolution; it’s degeneracy.
Industrialists cannot save us from anything. Technology cannot save us from anything. Science cannot save us from anything. Politicians cannot save us from anything. Financial institutions cannot save us from anything. Only God can.
Everyone who has a drop of faith in their heart needs to look up to God Almighty and ask that this evil plan be blocked before it’s too late.
If you have a soul and a heart, lift up your gaze to God and pray.